August 8, 2016

221/366. Katie Ledecky absolutely dominated in the pool last night. She seems to be adjusting to her new mutant life well.

August 6, 2016

218/366. The 2016 Olympic Opening Ceremony is tonight, kicking off the 31st Olympic games. I love the Olympics, although I heard there was something up with the water in Rio. U.S. Olympic swimmer, Nathan Adrian slogs through the sludge.

August 4, 2016

217/366. Last day of the Wes Anderson Wheatpaste. Can't do a Wes Anderson movie theme without including Rushmore. So, here's Max Fischer.

August 1, 2016

214/366. Happy August, everyone! Continuing the Wes Anderson Wheatpastes. Today's piece: Francis Whitman from The Darjeeling Limited.

July 30, 2016

212/366. I've always been a huge fan of Wheatpaste art. I also really enjoy Wes Anderson's movies. So, why not combine the two? This week's theme, "Wheatpasting the Works of Wes Anderson." Today's piece: M. Gustave from The Grand Budapest Hotel.

July 29, 2016

211/366. Today is supposed to be a theme reset day, but I wanted to squeeze one more Stranger Things piece in. Today's piece would have contained one scene from the last episode of season 1, but I chose a different route and did a portrait of my favorite character, Dustin.

July 25, 2016

207/366. Stranger Things day 4. So many good scenes to pick from for today's episode. I think I picked right.